Monday, March 25, 2013
Well, I've never been good with keeping up with anything resembling a journal, and unfortunately, this falls under that category. However, I've been busy working on delicious little morsels for you! Going backwards in order of completion, uploaded a new track today. I've been working on electronica tunes, sometimes an echo of Nine Inch Nails, other times mellower Combichrist, and other times Crystal Castles or Depeche Mode. DM has a new album coming out, curious to check it out. Anyway, check the songs out at and follow on twitter @BML_Music . I spent a weekend in Orlando, a few weeks ago, and when my plane landed, I had a voicemail from @chadhannah telling me about a potential music licensing opportunity for a movie, and asking if I was interested in writing and recording a tune. Due date was one week from that date. Naturally, I said "yes". 7 days later, we handed in a completed song. Chad handled the vocals and rhythm guitar, I handle keyboards, guitars and production. It has a great vibe and it's almost like a song in 3 parts. The band name for that endeavor is Super Hit. Keep track of that project on twitter @superhitmusic or . Only 1 track on there and a preview of the one that Mike Catalano is playing percussion on today. Wait, let me backtrack, Mike Catalano did a great job of laying down the thunder for the 1st Super Hit release "Nothing Left To Hide". Okay, now where was I? Super Hit, yes. Well, we've got a couple of tunes we're working on, I'll post them up soon. Toodles!
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